Genre questions around early drama |
Genre questions around early drama, [in:] K. Czibula, A. Em1di, J.-S. Szabolcs (eds.), Dráma - MĂşlt - SzĂnház - Jelen. Tanulmányok a dráma- Ă©s szĂnháztörtĂ©net körĂ©bõl, ErdĂ©lyi MĂşzeum-EgyesĂĽlet, Kolozsvár; Partium Kiadó, Nagyvárad, 2009, pp. 15-24.
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Medievalism in the Study of European Drama and Theatre History |
Andrzej Dąbrówka
Medievalism in the Study of European Drama and Theatre History
The paper brings reflections on the tasks of drama historian facing the presence of medieval topics and features in the theater of times closer to us. Published as The Middle Ages after the Middle Ages. Medievalism in the Study of European  Drama  and  Theatre History in: K. Czibula (ed.), SzĂnházvilág – VilágszĂnház,
Ráció Kiadó: Budapest 2008, pp. 23-37. Text in pdf-format here (with an illustration, absent from the book). Â
Staging a mirror, establishing harmony |
Andrzej Dąbrówka (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw) Staging a mirror, establishing harmony. Theatrical constitution, display and control of value systems Drama Through the Ages International Conference ‘IMAGES OF THE CITY’, Łódź 25-27 October 2007 |
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Teatr Średniowiecza - Strona matka |
Polish Saint Plays of the 16th and 17th Centuries |
-. Polish Saint Plays of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries [w:] The Dramatic Tradition of the Middle Ages, Clifford Davidson (ed.), (New York: AMS Press), 2005, s. 216-244. |
Nowe badania literackie w mediewistyce anglistycznej i germanistycznej |
-. Nowe badania literackie w mediewistyce
anglistycznej i germanistycznej
[in:] Mediewistyka
literacka w Polsce, T.Michałowska (red.) Warszawa 2003: 63-75. |
Dawne procesy zwierząt jako dramaty rytualne |
Dawne procesy zwierząt jako dramaty rytualne , ,
(wykład habilitacyjny dla Rady Naukowej Instytutu Badań Literackich, 30 X 2001)
Czytaj więcej...
Anything But a Game: Corpus Christi in Poland |
Anything But a Game:
Corpus Christi in Poland, „Quaestiones Medii Aevi Novae” 7, 2002
p. 245-270. Full pdf-text here. Paper read at the 35th Medieval Congress (Western Michigan
Univ., Kalamazoo; session sponsored by the Medieval and Renaissance Drama
Society.) |
Medieval theatre of schools. Educational beginnings of early drama |
-. Medieval theatre of schools. Educational beginnings
of early drama
(Paper at the conference
„School and theatre”, Miskolc, Hungary, 5-7 IX 2002) |
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Trwanie "onego" czasu. Anamneza w średniowiecznych przedstawieniach dramatycznych |
-. Trwanie
"onego" czasu. Anamneza w średniowiecznych przedstawieniach dramatycznych
[Anamnesis in medieval dramatic representations]
Paper delivered to the
conference "Mediewistyka
literacka w Polsce", IBL PAN, Warszawa 22-23 X 2001.
Polish Saint Plays of the 16th and 17th Centuries |
-. Polish Saint Plays of
the 16th and 17th Centuries
article in „Early Drama,
Art and Music Review” Fall 2000 23.1, pp. 18-49. |
The Polish saint plays of the 16th and 17th centuries: Are they medieval? |
-. The Polish saint plays
of the 16th and 17th centuries: Are they medieval?
paper delivered at the
24th. Theater Convegno "Martiri e Santi in scena dal medioevo al barocco"
7-10.09.2000, Centro Studi sul Teatro Medievale e Rinascimentale – in
Anagni, Italy; [in:] M. Chiabo, F. Doglio (ed.), XXIV Convegno Inernazionale.
Martiri e Santi in Scena, Roma, Edizioni Torre D'Orfeo 2001, pp.
297-321. |
The trial scenes in medieval drama |
-. The trial scenes in medieval
drama – paper delivered on 3.07.1998 (University of Camerino, Italy);
[in:] S. Higgins (ed. 1998) European Medieval Drama. Dramma medioevale
Europeo 1998. Papers from the Third International Conference on ‘Aspects
of European Medieval Drama’ Camerino, 3-5 July 1998, Camerino: Universita’
degli Studi (1999), p.77-98. |
De Neidhartspiele en het abel spel Van de Winter... op een solre... opgevoerd? |
-. De
Neidhartspiele en het abel spel Van de Winter ende van de Somer
op een solre te Arnhem rond 1400 opgevoerd?
[about a possible date
of production of the Neidhartspiele in a house attic, not on the market]
In: J. Wiktorowicz (ed.),
Studien zur deutschen und niederländischen Sprache und Kultur.
Festschrift fĂĽr Jan Czochralski; Warszawa 1996. |
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Ontologisch interpretatiekader voor het middeleeuwse drama |
-. Ontologisch interpretatiekader voor het middeleeuwse drama.
[philosophical and theological
impacts on the dramatic genres]
Ref. 7. Internasionale
Kongres vir Neerlandistiek, Durban 4.-7. Aug. 1993.
In: Tydskrif vir Nederlands
en Afrikaans, 1995.2:7-18 |
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Symbool en teken in de middeleeuwse media |
-. Symbool en teken in de
middeleeuwse media (vroomheidsvormen en de culturele betekenis van de
[social circumstances
of the theatrical activity]
In: De Nieuwe Taalgids
1995 LXXXVIII.4:289-306 |
Quando sagittari sagittaverunt papegay |
-. Quando sagittari sagittaverunt papegay. Der Medienstreit
im mittelniederländischen Theaterbetrieb.
[discussion of 15th-c.
terminology concerning the plays, players and theatre productions]
1994.VII:77-96 |
Czytaj więcej...
. -. Distributionsanalyse
und Parameterstatistik als Instrumente der Philologie.
[statistical methods for
analysing and interpretation of text homogenity in medieval verse drama]
-. Die TextĂĽberlieferung
der Abele Spelen und der Sotternien.
[bibliography of prints,
translations and productions, also modern]
-. Epoche, Gattung, individueller
Wert. Zur empirischen Stilgeschichte des mittelniederländischen Dramas.
[text models for medieval
verse drama]
-. Die Eigennamen in den
Abele Spelen und den Sotternien.
[proper names, with an
index a la Thompson, Motif Index of Folk Literature]
-. FrĂĽhestes weltliches Theaterrepertoire
in den Niederlanden.
[witnesses of production
of secular dramas 1373-1500]
-. Abele spelen.
[encyclopedic lemma on
the abele spelen as a special genre]
LITERACKICH 1992.XXXV:147-153 [in Polish]
| |